Max Active


Health benefits:

  1. Boosts Sexual Stamina on Men
  2. Prevent &Treatment of Prostate Hormonal imbalances
  3. Improves Fertility Boost Libido Stress Relief Removes waist pain Boist Sperm Count


  • Take two teaspoons twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
  • Take the tonic before meals or on an empty stomach.

Additional Notes:

  • Each bottle contains 500ml of tonic.
  • The recommended dosage is two teaspoons per serving.

Key Ingredients: Maca ,Ginseng, Soursop, Aframomum, Melegueta


Max Active Plus


Max Active Plus Benefits

  1. Enhanced libido and sexual desire
  2. Improved erectile function
  3. Increased stamina and endurance
  4. Boost sperm count
  5. Waist Pain Relief


1 sachet daily can keep you in the mood for 2days.

Key Ingredients: Liriosma Ovata, Ginseng, Maca, Honey.


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